An Emergent Curriculum
Children learn best when their themes of learning stem from their interests and experiences.
Our curriculum at The Atelier emerges from the interests of the children.
An emergent curriculum is a whole child experience - involving the child in social, emotional, cognitive
and physical realms of learning and development.
The adults closely observe to understand what interests the children and create varied experiences
to help them construct further knowledge, explore their interests, gain new perspectives,
discuss and represent ideas and form new theories.
These interests gradually take the shape of a project lasting weeks or months depending
on the sustained engagement of the group of children involved in the project.

Our Inspirations​
Whole Child Learning
Our objective towards learning is to make the world and everyday life available to children as a whole.
As children learn facts and theories about the world in their own unique ways through self exploration and expression, they also learn critical skills along the way which they will need to be
contributing citizens of the ever-changing world.
Annual Session : June - May
2 years - 3 years : 8.15 am - 11.45 am
3 years onwards : 8.15 am - 1.15 pm
6 years onwards : 8.15 am - 2.15 pm
Age Groups : 2 years - 10 years
Conveyance Facility
Security Camera Surveillance
Annual Session : April - March
2 years - 3 years : 8.30 am - 12.00 pm
3 years onwards : 8.30 am - 1.30 pm
Age Groups : 2 years - 6 years
7 years + In partnership with Sanskriti The Gurukul
Conveyance Facility
Security Camera Surveillance